Many organizations are looking for smarter ways to manage the risks of a COVID-19 infection in their workplace.
Contact tracing is one of those areas and it is a critical process of identifying who has been in contact with an infected person. This can be monumental task that quickly grows in complexity the longer the positive person has been at work, and the more people who have been exposed.
Digital contact tracing offers many benefits in the workplace over manual processes, and in this article we’ll explore some of those and how RightCrowd helps.
Rapid Identification
Rapid and accurate contact tracing is critical in limiting the impact of a workplace COVID-19 infection.
Manual contact tracing processes rely on the infected person recalling who they were with and then estimating how long they were together over the previous two weeks. This process is labor intensive and prone to inaccuracy.
RightCrowd contact tracing and social distancing wearables deliver comprehensive close contact information faster and more accurately, than a manual interview process.
Close contact information is recorded and stored on the Badgeholder, which is automatically transferred to the backend software as soon as the worker comes in range of a RightCrowd Gateway. Detailed reporting is then available to quickly deliver accurate contact tracing in cases where an infected person comes into your workplace.
Through an easy to use dashboard, RightCrowd quickly delivers time based, multi-layered social distancing monitoring and contact tracing reporting. System users can accurately identify exposed employees, contractors and visitors in seconds compared to days of manual effort.

Protecting Privacy
Privacy is a big issue that sees different jurisdictions taking very approaches.
In Europe, existing consumer privacy legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), has meant that governments have not needed to write new laws to protect citizens data privacy. In the United States, each state has been left to develop its own approach. The Exposure Notification Privacy Act is a proposal to prevent potential abuse of contract tracing apps and includes protections that require anyone who operates an exposure notification service to ”collaborate” with public health authorities; make usage of the app voluntary; and block the commercial use of any data it might collect.
RightCrowd’s digital contact tracing solution offers configurable privacy settings that can be set to help meet a company’s regulatory or policy requirements. RightCrowd’s solution allows users to configure data privacy in one of the following four ways.
1. the system can be completely anonymous,
2. the system uses the persons company issued identification number,
3. the system uses the persons company issued identification number and Name and
4. The system is integrated into the company’s security Access Control System.
RightCrowd’s digital solution can be configured to help protect privacy and rapidly deliver reliable contract tracing reporting.

Protecting Safety and Health
Every employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace for their employees, contracts, vendors and visitors. It means business leaders need to understand the risks to everyone entering their workplace of contracting COVID-19 and taking reasonable steps to prevent them.
RightCrowd social distancing monitoring and contract tracing solutions can help business leaders demonstrate that they are taking reasonable steps and implementing appropriate controls to protect their workers and visitors from COVID-19.
In the event of an infection in the workplace RightCrowd solutions also provide well-organized evidence that the company was able to quickly and accurately contact trace exposed people and fulfill their duty of care.
The solution helps the organisation contain potential outbreaks or clusters more quickly, and better manage the health and safety risks of the virus to their workers and visitors.
Despite the investment in public contact tracing applications, business leaders have legal and safety obligations to their workers and visitors. This will require business leaders to invest in fit for purpose solutions to better manage risks and protect their stakeholders.
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