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How to make COVID-19 vaccine attestation part of your back to work process

As vaccines roll-out globally, HR and Operations teams will quickly turn their attention to updating their COVID-19 Management Plans to safely return their people to the workplace. 

While there is a significant push to reopen, the desire to get back to the workplace needs to be balanced with the obvious health and safety risks that companies need to manage. It only takes one sick employee, contractor or visitor in the workplace to infect large numbers of people and bring operations to a halt.

So it makes sense to start thinking about your company’s COVID-19 vaccine passport.

Ensure everyone is healthy before they arrive

Health questionnaires and COVID-19 screening have been in use since the beginning of the pandemic and the idea is basically this: that before anyone enters your facility, they answer specific COVID-19 questions and if they answer YES to any, entry is denied.

RightCrowd solutions can deliver these questionnaires electronically, prior to people arriving on-site. By pre-registering to enter through a dedicated company portal, an employee, visitor or contractor can answer your vaccine questionnaire, and know if they will be admitted before travelling.

Your health status and vaccination policies can then be enforced with the relevant information stored for audit and legal purposes.

Get back in control of office access

By linking the pre-registration form to a workflow, employees or their managers can approve workplace access with an enabled security card. This ensures your workers and visitors have the building access they need, for the period of time they need it.

Swiping badgeholder on access door

The result is that everyone onsite is healthy, vaccinated, approved to be there and can be contact traced in the event of a COVID-19 infection.

Everyone onsite is right.

Contact tracing made easy

Inserting your existing building access card into a RightCrowd Social Distancing Monitoring badgeholder turns it into a digital contact tracing solution.

In the event of a workplace COVID-19 infection rapid and accurate contact tracing information can be quickly provided to local health authorities.

RightCrowd Social Distancing Badgeholder
RightCrowd’s Social Distancing Monitoring Badgeholder

Manual contact tracing processes rely on the infected person recalling who they were with and then estimating how long they were together over the previous two weeks. This process is labor intensive and prone to inaccuracy.

RightCrowd contact tracing and social distancing wearables deliver comprehensive close contact information faster and more accurately, than a manual interview process.

Close contact information is recorded and stored on the Badgeholder, which is automatically transferred to the backend software as soon as the worker comes in range of a RightCrowd Gateway. Detailed reporting is then available to quickly deliver accurate contact tracing in cases where an infected person comes into your workplace.

Through an easy to use dashboard, RightCrowd quickly delivers time based, multi-layered social distancing monitoring and contact tracing reporting. System users can accurately identify exposed employees, contractors and visitors in seconds compared to days of manual effort.

Contact Tracing Solution For Workplaces
Contact Tracing and Close Proximity Monitoring Dashboards

Protecting Safety and Health

Every employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace for their employees, contracts, vendors and visitors. It means business leaders need to understand the risks to everyone entering their workplace of contracting COVID-19 and taking reasonable steps to prevent them.

RightCrowd solutions can help business leaders demonstrate that they are taking reasonable steps and implementing appropriate controls to protect their workers and visitors from COVID-19.

In the event of an infection in the workplace RightCrowd solutions also provide well-organized evidence that the company was able to quickly and accurately contact trace exposed people and fulfill their duty of care.

The solution helps the organisation contain potential outbreaks or clusters more quickly, and better manage the health and safety risks of the virus to their workers and visitors. 

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