Many companies have begun to phase in returning workers to the workplace and instituting policies to help keep people safe and healthy. Social distancing is one of those policies we’ve all become used to, but as social creatures we struggle to adhere to for long periods.
To over come this many workplaces are now introducing Social Distancing Ambassadors to help their employees, contractors, visitors and customers adapt to the new normal.
So what is a Social Distancing Ambassador?
Social Distancing Ambassadors are internal customer service people, helping workers and visitors adapt their behavior, and in a friendly way enforce company policy.

They help everyone stay safe and allow the organization to demonstrate they take their obligations to safety and health seriously.
As a Social Distancing Ambassador, you will ensure that staff and customers are following the health and safety policies and protocols the company sets in place. It will require excellent communication and problem-solving skills, as people naturally go through a period of adapting and changing their behavior.
So what will a Social Distancing Ambassador do?
As a first step you’ll need to understand the local and state health regulations around COVID-19 and Social Distancing. The next step is to be fully informed of the company’s policies and protocols around Social Distancing.
From there on, it’s an active role. A Social Distancing Ambassador will walk around facilities and ensure social distancing is being adhered to from the lobby to the warehouse, and across every lunchroom and conference room in between.
You’ll also help people wear the Social Distancing monitoring solutions properly, so that contact tracing can be done efficiently in the workplace.
You’ll need great communication skills to help people practice good hygiene and ensuring maximum capacities are not exceeded in conference rooms or lunch areas.
Working with the COVID-19 team you’ll help to monitor hot spots and problem areas. In many organization desk-hovering and packed lunch rooms will need to be continuously monitored as high-risk behaviors.

In the lobby you’ll be ensuring the every customer, visitor, vendor and contractor entering the building follows company mandated precautionary measures and wear appropriate personal protective equipment when required.
In some cases you’ll need to redirect people to follow precautionary procedures, wear masks or refer people to advanced screening if required.

Finally, Social Distancing Ambassadors will be required to report any issues to Security personnel for enforcement as needed. Expect to see more of these types of roles as organizations take appropriate steps to help their people return to the workplace safely.