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What is an Enterprise Visitor Management system?

Enterprise Visitor Management systems are designed to handle the unique security, facilities, marketing and compliance requirements of large organizations. In the past, the lobby was the domain of Facilities and Security, and it would come as no surprise that corporate lobbies will need to support the competing requirements of different parts of the organization.

What is an Enterprise visitor management system?

An enterprise visitor management system is a software designed to organize and secure the process of managing visitors in an organization. It typically consists of the following key features:

  • Visitor check-in: It provides a digital check-in process for visitors, where they can register their details, such as name, contact information, and purpose of visit, often by using a tablet or kiosk. Modern visitor management systems also come with pre registration features allowing a much seamless visitor experience.
  • Visitor badging: The system can automatically print visitor badges with relevant information, such as the visitor’s name, photograph, and designated areas they are allowed to access. This logs visitor arrivals while ensuring workplace security and compliance as required.
  • Host notification: When a visitor checks in, host organizations receive instant notifications and automatic security alerts informing the arrival and recording visitor data. This provides an added layer of security and allows organizations to track visitors on the go.
  • Access control integration: Enterprise visitor management systems can integrate with access control systems, such as entry gates, to grant or restrict visitor access to specific areas based on predefined rules. This reduces administration load from reception while ensuring organization can manage access at a granular level for every visitor on site.
  • Reporting and analytics: The system can generate reports and analytics on visitor traffic, helping organizations understand visitor patterns, track visitor history, and make informed decisions about security and operational processes. This also allows organizations that operate in multiple locations to have an integrated platform to ensure safety, security and compliance on every site.

What to look for in an enterprise visitor management system?

In this article, we will unpack what makes Enterprise Visitor Management solutions unique and how they deliver on the complex safety, security and compliance requirements that big companies have.

Lobby security

For any large organization, managing entrance security is fundamental to maintaining building security overall. An Enterprise Visitor Management solution needs to be an integrated component of the entrance security plan, if not the security plan overall. Large companies with high traffic lobbies will often have more complex security requirements and a heavier compliance burden. An Enterprise Visitor Management solution will have the functionality to integrate into the physical access control system, limiting visitor access to approved areas and improving security.

Compliance and Audit

Large companies frequently need to comply with multiple standards and regulations, each with a different take on the control of physical access. An Enterprise solution will have the functionality to deliver approval pathways and physical access based on regulations and business policies. An Enterprise visitor system will incorporate workflows, business rules engines, watch lists, passport checks and integrations to a range of peripherals to ensure that every category of visitor is in compliance with the regulations.

Productivity boosting

Large corporates often have unpredictable volumes of visitors that have significant implications for security, safety, and compliance. An Enterprise solution provides self-service functions, intelligent process automation and kiosks solutions that scale to process large volumes of visitors seamlessly. These solutions allow the implementation of best-practice processes and technology, that are matched to the unique needs of the organization, and its security and compliance requirements.

Healthy and safe

A modern enterprise visitor management system will ensure that a visitor’s health status is checked before they arrive at your corporate HQ. Using intelligent process automation, health questionnaires and inductions can be completed off-site before entry is granted. Integrations with the physical access control system can deliver an active security credential with site access appropriate for the duration of their visit. Enterprise solutions, like RightCrowd Visitor Management, will integrate with a range of contactless kiosks and peripherals to keep visitors, guests and VIPs safe and healthy.

Advanced lobby management tool

A modern Enterprise solution is a lobby safety and security management tool. It will provide security managers with a forward view of the category and volume of visitors before they arrive. It enhances the processing of large groups and the experience of VIPs. It allows planning and decision-making that improves the company’s security posture proactively.

Emergencies and Evacuations

Where an Enterprise Visitor management system is integrated into a physical identity and access management solution, they produce a single record of every worker, contractor, vendor and visitor across corporate facilities. This information will be essential in an emergency, because it shows the last know location of everyone on site which is vital for an effective emergency response.

An Enterprise Visitor Management system is designed to handle the unique requirements and operational scale of large corporations. Many organizations start by replacing their paper logbooks with off-the-shelf systems, and as they understand what is required and possible, they start to explore the value of Enterprise Visitor Management systems.

To find out more about RightCrowd Enterprise Visitor Management systems contact us.

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