Part 2 – #1 COVID-19 exposure reporting solution for business
3rd March 2021Rapid and accurate close contact information is critical in limiting the impact of a workplace COVID-19 infection.Use RightCrowd to return to the workplace with confidence
22nd February 2021Every day we hear news of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out accelerating, and now of new mutant strains emerging, some with…Can your Social Distancing solution help manage evacuations?
15th February 2021With RightCrowd Social Distancing Monitoring you will know exactly who is still in a building with accurate, real-time reporting.Can your Contact Tracing solution keep secure areas safe?
9th February 2021RightCrowd Presence Control can be used to provide visible two-factor authentication in secure areas to protect against unauthorized access and…How to make COVID-19 vaccine attestation part of your back to work process
27th January 2021As vaccines roll-out globally, HR and Operations teams will quickly turn their attention to updating their COVID-19 Management Plans to…COVID-19 prevention planning – protecting your workplace
20th January 2021As the vaccine roll-out got underway, emergency temporary COVID-19 workplace standards (ETS) were issued on November 30, 2020 by Cal/OSHA.#1 COVID-19 exposure reporting solution for business
18th January 2021Not all Contact Tracing solutions are built to meet the complex safety, security and legal requirements of business.RightCrowd helps California employers meet AB 685 COVID-19 exposure reporting requirements
15th January 2021California AB 685 imposes new reporting requirements on employers regarding COVID-19 cases in the workplace.AB 685 expands California employers COVID-19 exposure notification requirements
11th January 2021California Assembly Bill (AB) 685 creates a legal obligation for employers to provide workforce notifications within one business day of…