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Case Study


Situation /Objectives

  • High levels of compliance to regulatory safety requirements are mandated to operate mine sites
  • Customer was trying to manually track and enforce that every worker had all required training current, had a current approval for access, had adequate rest between shifts, did not work excessively long shifts, were subject to random drug testing regimes, and had their ID checked annually
  • Reporting and audits were really hard to pull together


  • 30,000 different training and certification courses were integrated from the customer’s LMS systems and applied across the access of the 30,000 workers that the customer deployed to the mines – every physical access level was checked for training compliance across all of the workers every day
  • Safety audits were reduced from days of pulling spreadsheet reports together, down to pulling reports as needed, based on control established in RightCrowd

RightCrowd Value

  • Zero harm mandates were supported through ‘zero trust physical access’ where no worker’s badge was active until RightCrowd had determined through automated processes that they had met all of the requirements for daily access

Transforming access control at your workspace is easier than you think.

You can leave it to the experts at RightCrowd.
  • Trusted by the Fortune 50
  • Seamless Integration
  • Globally Scalable
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